All my seeds were sown from April 27th to May 1st. I made a list of germination times for each and then waited to see if the seeds came up in the normal germination window, the average being within 6-14 days. Most of the seeds have come up on time, but there are signs (or really no sign at all) that the Pumpkin ‘Baby Bear’ from 2006 and the Zucchini ‘Revenue’ and ‘Round Bush’ from 2005 are not going to come up. The seeds were old but I had hoped for some viability yet. I’ll wait till the end of next week, then toss them if the seeds don’t come up.
The Peppers ‘Hungarian Yellow’, ‘Large Red Cayenne’ and ‘Sweet Banana’ have also not come up but their window of germination is one of the longest—8 to 25 days. So I can be waiting until about May 22nd before they emerge. But I’ve grown peppers before and know this is normal. It just means a late season harvest.
The tomatoes have also been slow to germinate because it’s just been too cold at night, and daytime temperatures have been fluctuating as well. Once we get more days in the 70-75 degree range, and nights above 55 degrees, they should take off. It’s this temperature variance that can cause tomato seeds to take their time germinating or just rot in the soil all together because of the cold. I’ve planted tomato seeds as early as late-February to mid-March and have had 5” plants by the end of April. This has just been a colder than normal Spring and the tomato seeds show the effects.
What I thought would only be a day or two of planting spread over the whole weekend as I dug through some of my older seeds to add to the mix of new Territorial Seeds and Baker Creek Heirloom seeds. I generally toss any seeds over 5 years old, but some of the larger seeds like zucchini, melons and pumpkins will stay viable a little longer if kept under good storage conditions.
The biggest change for me this year was to only plant a limited number of cells or 4” pots of each seed. In years past, I’ve dutifully planted all the seeds that came in the packets, ending up with dozens of flats filled. But when it came time to plant the rooted seedlings in the gardens, I would come up critically short of space—even with additional space in my sister’s garden in Davis--and would end up trying to give the rest of them away or finally sending soil and seedlings to the compost pile. No more planting every tomato and zucchini variety I can get my hands on! This year there are only four tomatoes and two zucchini varieties, which makes more room for cucumbers, melons, okra, some basil, a good sampling of peppers and a few odds and ends.
I also had to plan for the ‘Jumbo Pink Banana’ Squash that will be taking up a great deal of garden ground very quickly. The 2 baby pumpkins won’t be quite so bad since their vines will be in manageable lengths.
And then there’s the ‘Honey & Cream’ Corn. The well composted spot I thought I would plant in has just too much shade for almost half a day. I’m going to have to use the raised bed I had planned to let go fallow this year and beef up the nutrients a little sooner than planned.
Here’s the list of seeds in alphabetical order with the Seed Company and year listed in brackets. Descriptions for the Territorial and Baker Creek seeds are in my recent blogs. There are some seeds listed from a company called Rogueland that were purchased in 2009 in bulk discounted sampler bags. They’ve grown very well for the last couple of years. As the seeds develop I’ll enter pictures and information in this blog and hope for a good year of winners.
Basil ‘Geonovese’ (Rogueland 2009)
Basil ‘Large Leaf’ (Rogueland 2009)
Bush Bean ‘Nugget’ (Territorial 2006)
Corn ‘Honey & Cream’ (Territorial 2011)
Cucumber ‘Green Slam’ (Territorial 2011)
Cucumber ‘Marketmore 76’ (Baker Creek 2011)
Eggplant ‘Black Beauty’ (Rogueland 2009)
Eggplant ‘Japanese White Egg’ (Baker Creek 2011)
Grain ‘Brown Maskal Teff’ (Rogueland 2009)
Herb ‘Stevia’ (Baker Creek 2011)
Leeks ‘American Flag’ (Rogueland 2009)
Melon ‘Hales Best’ (Rogueland 2009)
Melon ‘Jenny Lind’ (Pinetree Garden Seeds 2006)
Melon ‘Orange Delight’ (my save from ~ 2008)
Okra ‘Eagle Pass’ (Baker Creek 2011)
Okra ‘Star of David’ (Territorial 2011)
Onion ‘Red Burgermaster’ (Botanical Interest 2008)
Pepper ‘Hungarian Yellow’ (Rogueland 2009)
Pepper ‘Large Red Cayenne’ (Rogueland 2009)
Pepper ‘Sweet Banana’ (Rogueland 2009)
Pumpkin ‘Baby Bear’ (Pinetree Garden Seed 2006)
Pumpkin ‘Jack Be Little’ (Territorial 2011)
Squash ‘Jumbo Pink Banana’ (Baker Creek 2011)
Squash ‘Slender Gem’ (Burpee 2005)
Tomato ‘Cherokee Purple’ (Baker Creek 2011)
Tomato ‘Early Girl’ (Territorial 2011)
Tomato ‘Green Grape’ (Baker Creek 2011)
Tomato ‘Stupice’ (Territorial 2011)
Tomato ‘Stupice’ (Totally Tomato 2006)
Wonderberry (Baker Creek 2011)
Zucchini ‘Revenue’ (Territorial 2005)
Zucchini ‘Round Bush’ (Bountiful Gardens)
I think that’s quite enough!
The business statement about the purity of their seeds was what interested me the most and is the strongest statement you’ll find from any seed company. And that’s very important to me.
“All of our seed is non-hybrid, non-GMO, non-treated and non-patented. We do not buy seed from Monsanto-owned Seminis. We boycott all gene-altering companies. We are not members of the pro-GMO American Seed Trade Organization! We work with a network of about 50 small farmers, gardeners and seed growers to bring you the best selection of seeds available! Many of our varieties we sell were collected by us on our travels abroad.”
"The Evangelists of Heirloom Seeds"--The New York Times
"...These are the people on the cutting edge of food culture..."O, The Oprah Magazine
I sent in my order April 15th and had the seeds by April 21st.
Here are the seeds with the catalog descriptions. The first group will be planted right away for the summer garden.
Cucumber ‘Marketmore 76’—dark green 8”-9” fruit. Great slicer. Good yields. Excellent flavor!
Eggplant ‘Japanese White Egg’—full, rich flavor; lovely 2”-3” white fruit are perfect for stir-frying. The plants give heavy yields all season.
Okra ‘Eagle Pass’—from the area around Carrizo Springs and Eagle Pass, Texas. A great okra that is less slimy than others; big pods are tender and delicious. Productive plants are a favorite of the farmer who grows this variety.
Tomato ‘Green Grape’—sister to ‘Green Zebra’, this tomato is rich, sweet and zingy. The fruit are lime-green inside and have chartreuse-yellow skins. They are about the size of a large grape, perfect for salads and snacking.
Tomato ‘Cherokee Purple’—an old Cherokee Indian heirloom, pre-1890 variety. Beautiful deep dusky purple-pink color. Superb sweet flavor and very large fruit. Try this one for real old-time tomato flavor.
These seeds will be planted in late summer for fall harvest:
Beet ‘Cylindra’—a wonderful heirloom from Denmark, this one is famous for slicing with its long, cylindrical roots. Produces much more uniform slices than round beets. This tender and sweet variety is also known as “Butter Slicer” because of it’s wonderful texture. [I’ve grown this before and rate it best of all in flavor and cooking quality. Not so earthy tasting as some varieties].
Radish ‘Chinese Red Meat’—the colorful “Beauty Heart” radish of historic China. The 4” round roots have white and green skin, but the magic is in their rose-red center which is so sweet, crisp, and delicious. A good radish to add color to salads and stir-fries. Must be grown in cooler weather and does best when fall planted. Sometimes called “Watermelon Radish” at market.
Radish ‘German Giant’—very large, round red radish that was collected in Germany. These keep their fine quality even when large. This heirloom is very popular with the Amish. Mild and tasty.
Turnip ‘Boule d’Or’—the “Golden Ball’ or “Orange Jelly” variety has been a mainstay of European turnips for over 150 years. This seed came to us from France where this old turnip is still cherished. It has a finer flavor than many of the white-fleshed varieties as the yellow flesh is sweeter and milder. Lovely color. [I had tasted a gold turnip before and was so pleased to find it didn’t have the sharp, sometimes bitter bite, a white turnip can have].
Only another gardener can appreciate the feeling of desperation that settles in when we have an over abundance of rain at the beginning of Spring, followed by a short “false spring” (when everyone thinks it’s time to plant tomatoes), then colder than normal temperatures, then another light warming with a few early spring showers, followed by a couple more frosty nights, all which keep the soil too wet to work in and too cold to plant in.
We watch the weather reports religiously to see how much the thermometer has inched closer to the 65 degree daytime temperature mark that favors seed germination. Then one morning we wake up to the sun shining and the frost finally over... and the snail and slug population exploded, grey aphids all over the cabbages and kale, and a nasty, sticky weed creeping all over every corner of the gardens...
We HAVE to clean out the squatters while waiting for the temperature to warm up to seed sowing range. What else can you do?
I ordered more seeds.